Summary of Products and Services |
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Community Resource Services (CRS) was organized in 1971 in Michigan. Community Resource Services is a non-profit tax exempt corporation operating under section 501-(c)-(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Maine office, established in 1976, operated as an extension of the Michigan office until 1981, when all operations were centralized in Maine. Operations were moved permanently to Maryland in 1995.
Since incorporation in 1971, CRS has delivered services to a diverse group of clients at the local, regional, state, and national levels.
Services available to CRS clients include, but are not limited to:
- Planning
- Design Review
- Staffing Analysis
- Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
- Management Studies
- Standards Development
- Training
- Research
- Program Development/Implementation
- Writing and Publishing
- Technical Assistance
- Evaluation
- Legal Research and Publishing
CRS uses an interdisciplinary approach in all projects, and we have found that a "systems" perspective is necessary to meaningfully define and solve problems. Participatory planning, with a high level of involvement with clients has proven effective in past CRS projects.
Rod Miller founded CRS in 1972 and has had a major role in all of corporate projects since then. More than seventy persons have been involved with CRS projects as staff members since 1972. CRS maintains a small core staff of trained professionals with specific skills. Educational backgrounds and fields of interest of the core staff include criminal justice planning, education, urban and institutional systems, environmental psychology, statistics, architecture, social change, law, and human service delivery.
The core staff is supplemented by support staff and specialists as needed for projects. CRS uses many staff on a part-time, as-needed basis; this decreases our overhead and operating expenses, and provides us with access to a wider range of personnel.
Ongoing Research and Publishing Efforts |
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CRS commits substantial resources on a continuing basis to several projects which reach a national audience. These all involve writing and disseminating information through a monthly newsletter and by creating new written resources for detention and corrections.
Detention and Corrections Caselaw Catalog
Initially conceived in 1985, this document presents over 6,000 key court case summaries under 50 major topic headings. The Catalog is updated annually, adding new case summaries and amending cases that have been modified since initial publication. Maintaining the Caselaw Catalog requires continuous monitoring of court decisions at the federal and state level.
Detention Reporter — A Monthly Summary for Short-Term Holding Operations
Created by CRS in November, 1983, this monthly newsletter addresses the needs and concerns of professionals concerned with short-term detention. With circulation estimated at over 3000, subscribers, representing all 50 states, Canada, and several U.S. territories, rely on the Reporter as a source of information and insight. Subscribers include facility managers, police chiefs, sheriffs, trainers, libraries, courts, probation officers, human service agencies and educators. Preparing the Reporter requires continuous monitoring of more than 30 publications, and review of all federal court decisions. The CRS library has grown steadily since the Reporter was created, and now includes over 5,000 volumes.
NIC Jail Resource Materials
Created in 1981 and 1982 through grants from the National Institute of Corrections, and updated regularly, these documents have been embraced by over 2,800 jurisdictions in the United States. CRS regularly updates the contents. Resource materials include:
- NIC Jail Resource Manual — a reference document which offers over 700 pages of text, forms, samples and court case summaries, presented under 16 major categories. Viewed by many as the definitive reference for jails.
- Policy and Procedure Workbook for Jail — which provides a step-by-step process for creating and revising comprehensive policies and procedures.
- Sample Policy and Procedure Manual — Small Jail. A complete Manual developed for a 26-bed facility.
CRS has revised and updated the NIC Resource Materials periodically since 1981; the most recent revision was published in 1989. CRS also provided support services to a national "small jail network" for NIC. |
Descriptions of Selected Projects (Reverse Chronological Order) |
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Jail Staffing Analysis Training and Technical Assistance
Conducted under contract to the National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice
- Arizona (all jails)
- Arlington County, VA
- Bullitt Co. KY
- District of Columbia
- Dubuque, Iowa
- Green Bay, Brown Co. WI
- Jackson County (Kansas City), MO
- Limestone Co. AL
- Marion County, IN (Indianapolis) not NIC-funded
- Miami-Dade FL
- Montgomery County, MD
- Pearl River County, MS
- Prince Georges County, MD
- St. Louis County, MO
- Snohomish Co. WA
- South Carolina (all jails)
- Thurston County, WA
- Union County, New Jersey (not NIC-funded)
Jail Planning, Inmate Population Analysis, Systems Analysis, and Projections (Past 3 Years)
- Grafton County, New Hampshire
- Knox County, Maine
- City of Kirkland, Washington
- Nassau County, New York
- Grant County, New Mexico
- Palm Beach County, Florida
- Grayson County, Texas
- Rutherford County, Tennessee
- Nassau County, New York
BJA Jail Work and Industry Center, Bureau of Justice Assistance (U.S. Department of Justice), 1992-2004. CRS operated a national clearinghouse that promotes expanded inmate employment in the nation's jails. We continue to operate this as a self-funded project (www.jailwork.com).
ACA Performance-Based Standards Project. 1997-2003. CRS is the principal consultant for the American Corrections Association Standards Committee, assisting with the development of performance-based standards for various types of correctional facilities and programs.
NIC Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails. 1985 - 1988 and 2002-2003. CRS developed a comprehensive text for the National Institute of Corrections to guide practitioners, consultants and architects in planning and design efforts. This workbook introduced new methodologies that have enable practitioners to streamline their staffing practices. It was updated as a Second Edition in 2003.
Standards Revision, Amer. Correctional Association, Conditions of Confinement Project. 1986-2003. Through a grant from the National Institute of Justice, CRS provided a variety of services associated with the revision of physical plant standards for America's jails, prisons, and residential centers (adult and juvenile). Extensive legal research was conducted, along with primary responsibility for project organization and standards drafting.
Entry Level Corrections Officer Task Analysis and Training Standards Validation. Maine Criminal Justice Academy. 1983 - 1985 and 1986-87. Work included developing a questionnaire to be administered to all correctional officers and first-line supervisors in Maine, analyzing findings, and preparing recommendations for improving training. Under contract to the National Institute of Corrections, CRS personnel assisted a committee to translate the Phase One product into new training standards and delivery modalities.
Juvenile Detention Study (Maine). 1986 - 1987. Under contract to the Maine Sheriffs' Association, CRS provided technical assistance that resulted in the development of new statewide policies for county juvenile detention, development of sample procedures (Cumberland County) and delivery of several statewide training sessions.
NIJ Jail Industries Initiative. 1986 - 1994 Based on an initial concept paper developed by CRS, the National Institute of Justice funded its first jail initiative, developing extensive resource and development materials for jail industries. CRS served a primary consultation role, with initial responsibility for a national workshop and the development of a handbook. CRS currently provides training, technical assistance and information as a national clearinghouse for inmate work and industry.
Analysis of Cost Implications and Design Implications for Third Edition Standards for Adult Correctional Facilities, American Correctional Association, 1990. CRS implemented research and applied design principles, creating a comprehensive analysis of costs, and developing a prototype for illustrating physical plant standards.
Revision of "Planning of New Institutions" Program (PONI) for National Institute of Corrections, Principal Contractor 1990-92. CRS managed the complete revision of a longstanding program that guides all phases of planning and design for local corrections facilities.
Principal Consultants, Demonstration Programs for U.S. Department of Education, Private Sector Jail Industries Enhancement 1991-3. Under contract to CGA, Inc., CRS is providing technical expertise to three pilot sites to demonstrate the impact of enhanced industry, vocational, and transition programming. Two of the three sites are in New Hampshire (Strafford and Belknap Counties).
Feasibility Study for Alternative Corrections Program for Indian Offenders. July - December, 1976. CRS was retained by the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe to explore the feasibility of opening a regional corrections center on the Reservation in South Dakota to serve five States and the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The study reviewed literature, case files, facilities, and other sources. The final report, Feasibility Study - Swift Bird Corrections Center, addressed legal, architectural, physical, cost, philosophical, population,procedural, and correctional issues. The Summary Report was supplemented with 700 pages of detailed findings and data. The study provided the Tribe, LEAA, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs with the insights needed to decide future funding for the projects.
Development of Operations—Swift Bird Corrections Center. February, 1977 - February, 1980.
CRS was retained as the principal consultants for this project, funded jointly by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration and the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. More than 30 staff and consultants delivered services under the auspices of CRS. The staff traveled 90,000 miles during the project, and worked in thirteen states and provinces. Responsibilities included long-range planning, program development, operations development, facilities analysis and planning, fiscal planning, lobbying for federal funds (Joint Appropriations Committee, U.S. Congress and Senate) and grant preparation. The Swift Bird Center was developed as a pilot project for regional Indian corrections. This provided our first professional collaboration with Carter Goble Associates.
Maine Sheriffs' Association — Statewide Detention Study. July, 1978 - September, 1979.
CRS conducted an extensive study of all Maine jails, resulting in the development of a comprehensive plan with the Association. Data was collected from 30,000 prisoner files in all Maine counties. Each jail facility was inspected and detailed reports of deficiencies were provided. The resulting plan served as a blueprint for action throughout the state—which has been implemented through a series of planning and construction projects. Since 1978, Maine's fifteen jails have been replaced or renovated at a total cost of $71 million; the average age of a jail bed in Maine has been reduced from 75 years to 4 years.
National Institute of Corrections — National Small Jails Project. September, 1979 - 1981.
CRS was awarded a $150,000 grant to develop and implement programs for small jails in the United States. As a result, several major publications were prepared for NIC (Jail Resource Materials), and a national network was developed to assist small jails. Work involved travel to jails in 33 states, a national survey of 2,400 small jails, delivery of training to inspectors, trainers and other professionals in 45 states, and preparation of resource materials.
Indian Offender Plans for Great Lakes and Northwest. January - December, 1980. CRS was retained by the Native American Rights Fund to assist with the development of plans for Indian Offenders in 11 states. CRS analyzed all data, reviewed all drafts, and prepared the plan for Indians/Natives/Eskimos in Alaska.
Evaluation of the Corrections Center Program, Michigan Department of Corrections. 1974. CRS was retained by the Michigan Office of Criminal Justice Programs to conduct an extensive evaluation of the Corrections Center Program of the Michigan units in which selected inmates may be placed for periods of three to six months prior to their scheduled release on parole. CRS collected and analyzed data describing the participants in the program. The analysis provided complete demographic information on the sample population as well as determination of their success or failure in the program and on parole. In addition, CRS provided a detailed analysis of operational, staffing, funding, and screeningaspects of the program. A series of recommendations and detailed proposals were offered for the revision of the Program as a result of the study. The project culminated with a report, State of Michigan Corrections Centers: Analysis and Recommendations, and a presentation to the Director of the Department and key Department staff. The final report has been distributed throughout the United States. The findings of the evaluation have been used extensively in Michigan and most of the recommended changes have been made. |
List of All Projects (Most Recent First) |
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129. |
St. Louis County, Missouri. Staffing analysis training and technical assistance. (2007). |
128. |
Miami-Dade County, Florida. Assist with the completion of a comprehensive system-wide staffing analysis for the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. (2007) |
127. |
City of Kirkland, Washington, jail operations review, projections, cost analysis (2006-7). |
126. |
Orange County (Orlando), FL, jail security staff validation. (2006-7). |
125. |
Columbia County, PA, jail operational review. (2006 -7). |
124. |
Nassau Count, New York, jail bedspace forecasts and inmate population analysis. (with PBA). |
123. |
Grafton County, NH, jail planning (inmate population analysis, alternatives, projections, costs.) |
122. |
Knox County, Maine, jail planning (inmate population analysis, alternatives, projections, costs.) |
121. |
Grant County, New Mexico (jail bedspace projections and population analysis). With PBA. |
120. |
Maine Department of Corrections and Jails, bedspace forecasts (for National Inst. of Corrections) 2005 |
119. |
Nassau County, NY. Bedspace forecasts and inmate analysis (with Pulitzer/Bogard Assoc.) |
118. |
Somerset County, Maine, jail planning and cost analysis. (2005-2006 and earlier work in 2002) |
117. |
Jail Staffing Analysis Training and Technical Assistance, conducted under contract to the National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice, 2002-2004: Arizona (all jails); Arlington County, VA; Bullitt Co. KY; District of Columbia; Dubuque, Iowa; Green Bay, Brown Co. WI; Indiana (all jails); Jackson County (Kansas City) MO; Limestone Co. AL; Miami-Dade FL; Montgomery County, MD; Pearl Rivery County, MS; Prince Georges County, MD; Snohomoish Co. WA; South Carolina (all jails). |
116. |
Technical Assistance: Facilitation of Correctional Alternatives Policies, Franklin County, Penn. |
115. |
Palm Beach County, Florida, bedspace projections and inmate data analysis (with Pulitzer/Bogard Associates), 2005 |
114. |
Marion County, Indiana (Indianapolis), court security and inmate movement consultation (2004-06) |
113. |
Marion County, Indiana (Indianapolis), staffing analysis consultation and training (2003-2004) |
112. |
Montgomery County, Maryland, staffing analysis consultation (2003-2006) |
111. |
Union County, New Jersey, staffing analysis consultation (2005) |
110. |
American Correctional Association/National Institute of Justice, Vulnerability Assessment for Correctional Facilities, 2003-2006 (team leader for developing comprehensive texts and instruments) |
109. |
Grayson County, Texas, jail planning services (contract with PBA) 2004- 2005 |
108. |
Rutherford County, Tennessee, jail planning services (contract with PBA) 2004 |
107. |
American Society for Law Enforcement Training, principal consultant, development of first-ever
performance-based standards for the administration of law enforcement training (2002 - 2004) |
106. |
Suffolk County, New York, planning services (contractor under Pullitzer/Bogard Associates) (2003) |
105. |
Volunteers of America, Handbook for Developing Corrections Programs, 1997-1998 |
104. |
American Correctional Association, Performance-Based Standards Project. 1997-2003 |
103. |
Volunteers of America, Grant Development, End-of-Life Care for Inmates, 1997-1998 |
102. |
Loudoun County, Virginia, Adult and Juvenile Detention Operational Audit. 1996-1997 |
101. |
San Miguel County, New Mexico, New Jail Transition, 9/95-12/96. |
100. |
San Juan County, New Mexico, Alternatives to Confinement., 9/96-11/96. |
99. |
Nat'l Center for Jail Work and Industry, for U.S. DOJ, Bur. Justice Assist. (BJA) 1994-present |
98. |
Correctional planning services, Hancock County, Maine 1993 - 1994 |
97. |
Inmate Work/Industries as a Correctional Option, national demonstration program funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance 1993 -1994 |
96. |
"Funding Alternatives to Confinement," contract with Maine Council of Churches for national demonstration grant from U.S. Department of Justice 1993 - 1994 |
95. |
Development of "Correctional Pathways" Grant Application, N.H. Dept. of Corrections 1992 |
94. |
Principal Consultants, Demonstration Programs for U.S. Department of Education,
Private Sector Jail Industries Enhancement 1991-3 |
93. |
Contractor, Development of Texts to Illustrate American Correctional Association (ACA)
Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (ALDF) 1991-2 |
92. |
Contractor, Development of Texts to Illustrate American Correctional Association (ACA)
Standards for Adult Local Detention Facilities (ALDF) 1991-2 |
91. |
Revision of "Planning of New Institutions" Prog. (PONI) for Nati. Inst. of Corrections, 1990-91 |
90. |
Revision of "How to Open a New Institution" Program (HONI) for National Institute of Corrections (contract with N.R. Cox Associates, Texas) 1990-91 |
89. |
NIJ Jail Industries Development Program, Phase Two. 1991-92 Grantee for a national initiative. |
88. |
Corrections Master Planning, Sagadahoc County, Maine 1989-91 |
87. |
Preliminary Planning, Carroll County Dept. of Corrections, N.H. 1989 |
86. |
Analysis of Cost Implications and Design Implications for 3rd Edition Standards for Adult Correctional Facilities, American Correctional Association, 1990 |
85. |
Analysis of Litigation Concerning Professional Standards, Amer. Correctional Association, 1989 |
84. |
Planning, design/operationalization of new Cumberland County, Me. 1987-present |
83. |
Technical Assistance - Rockingham County Jail (New Hampshire). 1988. |
82. |
NIJ Jail Industries Initiative, Phase One. 1986-90. |
81. |
Standards Revision, Amer. Correctional Association, Cond. of Confinement Project. 1986-89. |
80. |
Juvenile Detention Technical Assistance, Cumberland County (Maine). 1987-88. |
79. |
Construction Bulletin, National Institute of Justice. 1987. |
78. |
Preliminary Planning, Kennebec County Jail (Maine). 1987-88. |
77. |
Planning, Design and Transition, Androscoggin County Jail (Maine). 1987-88. |
76. |
Revision of NIC Jail Resource Materials. 1987-88. |
75. |
Juvenile Detention Study (Maine). 1986-87. |
74. |
Juvenile Diversion Program Evaluation (Maine). 1986-88. |
73. |
Knox County Jail (Maine) Planning, Design and Transition. 1986-91. |
72. |
Entry Level Corrections Officer Task Anal/Training Standards Valid.--Phase 2- ME C.J. Academy, 1985 - 1987 |
71. |
Piscataquis County (Maine)- Jail Planning Study, 1985-1988 |
70. |
Belknap County (New Hampshire)- Pre-Architectural Planning, 1982-86 |
69. |
Hancock County (Maine) Planning and Design Review, 1988 - 92 |
68. |
Warren County (New Jersey) Corrections Center- Staffing Analysis, 1988 |
67. |
NIC Staffing Analysis Workbook for Jails, 1987 (Second Edition 2002) |
66. |
Preliminary Design- Dover (New Hampshire) Police Lockup, 1989 |
65. |
Space Utilization Study- Maranacook Community School (Maine), 1988 |
64. |
Penobscot County (Maine) Jail Planning and Design Review, 1985 - 88 |
63. |
Long-Range Planning- Multiple Handicap Center of Penobscot Valley, Inc., 1989 |
62. |
Staffing Analysis Workshop- Maine Department of Corrections, 1988 |
61. |
Tennessee Corrections Institute- Jail Standards Revision, 1988 |
60. |
NIC Jail Resource Materials- Updates, 1989 |
59. |
Facility Audit and Inspection Forms and Procedures- ME Dept. of Corrections, 1988 |
58. |
Jail Industry Development - Strafford County (NH) Jail/HOC, 1985 - 87 |
57. |
Program and Services Evaluation - Strafford County (NH) Jail/HOC, 1984 |
56. |
Entry Level Corrections Officer Task Analysis/Train. Standards Valid.- ME Crim. Just. Academy, 1984-85 |
55. |
Planning, Design Review and Operational Review - Aroostook County (Maine), 1982 - 84 |
54. |
Manitowoc County (Wisconsin), Policy and Procedure Development, 1982 |
53. |
Pre-Architectural Planning, Plan Review, Technical Assistance- Washington County (Maine) Jail,
1980 - 81 |
52. |
South Carolina Governor's Jail Commission, Technical Assistance, 1983 |
51. |
Maine Dept. Corrections - Devel. of Policy and Procedure Manuals for Adult Correctional Facilities,
1979 - 81 |
50. |
Planning and Design Review - Lincoln County, Maine, 1981 - 83 |
49. |
Technical Assistance - Somerset County, Maine, 1982 |
48. |
Technical Assistance - York County, Maine, 1982 |
47. |
Technical Assistance - Franklin County, Maine, 1982 |
46. |
Pre-Architectural Planning - Strafford County (New Hampshire), 1980 - 1981 |
45. |
Technical Assistance Services - Maine Sheriffs' Association, 1981 |
44. |
Continuation of National Small Jail Project - NIC, 1981 - 1985 |
43. |
American Correctional Association (ACA) Revision of Jail Standards, 1981 |
42. |
Indian Offender Plans for Great Lakes and Northwest, 1978 - 79 |
41. |
National Institute of Corrections - National Small Jails Project, 1978 - 1985 |
40. |
Revision of Jail Standards: Maine Bureau of Corrections, 1980 -82 |
39. |
Maine Sheriffs' Association - Technical Assistance, 1979-80 |
38. |
Maine Sheriffs' Association - Statewide Detention Study, 1978-79 |
37. |
Cheyenne River Sioux (S. Dakota) Tribal Law Enforcement Study, 1978 |
36. |
Muskegon County (Michigan) Juvenile Study, 1982 |
35. |
Sanilac County (Michigan) Sheriff Department Study, 1981-82 |
34. |
Macomb County (Mich.) Jail Program Evaluation/Technical Assistance, 1981 |
33. |
Oakland County (Michigan) Jail Program Evaluation, 1981 |
32. |
Inspection of Sheridan County (Nebraska) Jail, 1980 |
31. |
Kennebec County (Maine)- Citizen's Committee for Jail, 1977 - 1985 |
30. |
Branch County (Michigan) Pre-Architectural Detention Study, 1980 |
29. |
Ottawa/Allegan Counties (Michigan) Juvenile Needs Assessment, 1979 |
28. |
Macomb County (Michigan) Corrections Program Evaluation, 1979 |
27. |
Aroostook County (Maine) Sheriff's Department- Technical Assistance, 1978 |
26. |
Development of Operations Guide- Swift Bird Corrections Center, 1976 - 1981 |
25. |
Feasibility Study- Alternative Corrections Program for Indian Offenders, 1975 - 1976 |
24. |
Evaluation of COPE (College Opportunity - Prison Extension), 1977 |
23. |
Maine Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance Agency- Technical Assist., 1976- 77 |
22. |
Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation and Human Service Devel. (Univ. of Maine)1975 -76 |
21. |
Gratiot County (Michigan) Detention Facility Pre-Architectural Study, 1975 |
20. |
Pre-Architectural Study: Clinton County (Michigan) Detention Facility, 1975 |
19. |
Muskegon County (Michigan) Friend of the Court Study, 1975 |
18. |
Pre-Parole and Parole Assistance, 1971 - 1980 |
17. |
Jail Program and Activity Survey- Office of Jail Services, Michigan, 1976 |
16. |
Community Resource Committee - American Friends Service Committee, 1972 - 1978 |
15. |
Muskegon County (Michigan) Corrections Planning Study, 1975-76 |
14. |
Ottawa County (Michigan) Jail Program Advisory Committee, 1975 |
13. |
Evaluation of the Corrections Center Program, Michigan Dept. Corrections, 1975 |
12. |
Volunteer Efforts with La Causa, 1971 - 1978 |
11. |
Ottawa County Jail Rehabilitation Study, 1974 |
10. |
Washtenaw County (Michigan) Corrections Commission, 1973 -75 |
9. |
Research on Correctional Systems in the United States and Canada, 1973 |
8. |
Planning- Washtenaw County Detention/Corrections System, 1972-3 |
7. |
Evaluation of the Directory of Community Contacts for Corrections, 1974 |
6. |
Pre-Planning- Washtenaw County Blue Ribbon Corrections Committee, 1971 - 73 |
5. |
Governor's Commission on Drug Abuse and Alcoholism (consultant), 1973-4 |
4. |
Governor's Action Committee on Corrections (consultant, corrections), 1973 |
3. |
"Corrections in Michigan" (statewide directory of resources), 1972 |
2. |
Directory of Resources at the Univ. of Mich. for So. Michigan Prison, 1971-73 |
1. |
Volunteer Efforts with HASTA (Southern Michigan Prison), 1971 |